Frequently Asked Question

06. Can I change my qualification details?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Yes, it is possible to modify the details, at the end you must download the new self-certification generated by the system, sign it and send the qualification request. Depending on the data, a new approval may be necessary, so in the meantime, the qualification may be temporarily suspended. In any case, you will receive a message informing you of the status of your qualification.


If you have a qualification request that is still in the approval process, you must cancel the current request, make the change and resubmit the request:

from the MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION section, click on the "Cancel request" link. By cancelling the request, the data previously entered will be retained and it will be possible to modify them. Remember to submit the request again.

You can simplify subscription management. Find out how to register with several provider registries at the same time. Visit the NetworkPA website

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